Posted on 8/31/2022

When you drive the same car every day, you get used to how it feels on the road. Any unusual feeling will definitely stick out like a sore thumb. When you notice a loss in handling and comfortability of your car, one of the first areas you should check is the suspension system. Here are some of the signs of trouble when it comes to the suspension: Drifting to the Side Whenever you buckle up for a turn in your car, your suspension system should hold up the vehicle’s weight to minimize the impact. However, you’re more likely to roll over and feel each turn when your car’s shocks are no longer stabilizing the vehicle body against the force of every turn. Difficulty Steering Steering troubles often go hand-in-hand with worn suspension parts. Therefore, you should have your suspension components inspected if you notice a stiff or crooked steering wheel. In some cases, the trouble can extend beyond the power steering system. Bumpy Ride Your car, SUV, or truck su ... read more
Posted on 7/30/2022

Driving with worn brake pads destroys the brake rotors and reduces braking performance which can cost a pretty penny to fix. Knowing when to get your brake pads and shoes replaced is the key to staying ahead of the game. When To Replace Brake Pads? Your vehicle's brakes stand between you and an accident. If your brake pads aren't functioning correctly, you may not be able to stop your vehicle in time. Therefore knowing when to change brake pads is critical. Brake pads should be replaced every 40,000 to 50,000 miles. Changing the brake pads is necessary if you detect any of the following indicators. If you travel in stop-and-go traffic, you'll require brake pad replacement more frequently than a freeway driver. Some drivers stomp on the brakes more often than they should, which means the brake pads need to be replaced more often. Further Signs Your Brake Pads Need To Be Replaced Noise If your brake pads make an odd noise while braking they may need replacing Driving ... read more
Posted on 7/23/2012
You can save thousands of dollars over buying a new vehicle every few years, just by taking good care of the vehicle you currently own. Make your car last 200,000 miles or more! Sounds crazy, I know but if properly cared for its possible. Thanks to new products and the industry’s interest in the environment your cars maintenance and repair costs can be easiliy reduced and extend the life of your vehicle. There are advances in lubricants, engine technology, and rust proofing that make cars more reliable than ever before. To hang on to a car longer closely follow the maintenance schedule in the vehicle owner’s manual and follow the advice of someone who is knowledgeable and skilled – a specialist on the vehicle. If you think by skipping service on your vehicle you are saving money, think again. Missing even one auto service or repair can accelerate premature wear and cause damage, reducing the long-term reliability you were aiming for. As long as you stic ... read more
Posted on 7/23/2012
You might be thinking, as I was when I first read this, what on earth!! This is just another gimmick devised by auto shops to market to the uninformed or gullible! (and I work for an auto shop!) So I started to read on and found out that yes, in actuality there is such a thing and it was (is) formed by an actual legitimate organization. A not-for-profit in fact! Their goal is car care awareness. So you might be thinking, “I’m aware! If my car starts everything is good, and when it doesn’t, well I’ll figure that out.” Don’t worry, I understand. Car care is about as high on my list as cleaning my refrigerator coils. Let’s face it I would much rather spend my money on a new pair of shoes than an oil change! However, I would also much rather go on a vacation than HAVE to spend that money, replacing my transmission! So there is a balance…. National Car Care Month is about that balance, learning preventative care for your vehicle so you can afford the shoes and the vacation. It’s allowing ... read more
Posted on 7/23/2012
Have you ever been to Willow Glen? If you have then you know its like an old-time community with all the appeal. It’s like a family. Well guess what, there are all types of members in this family and we at B&C Auto Center are one of them. First of all, two of our employees live in the Willow Glen Community, that makes them officially one of the family. Second, our auto repair shop has been located in Willow Glen for more than 3 decades. So from that stand point we are old timers-seen the changes and lived to tell. What does this tell you about us? We are here to stay! We aren’t going anywhere. We are going to make sure that we stay for another 3 decades. It also means more, we cater to you. If you live in the 95125 or 95124 zip code we will pick up your vehicle from your house and bring it in for service and then drop it back in your driveway. How’s that for family? We value relationship, and yours is important to us. So if you are looking for car repair in Willow Gle ... read more