Category Archives: Auto Maintenance

Automotive Repair and the Basics

In all of marketing right now you hear the term “Back to Basics” or “Back to School Basics” or something about narrowing down things to what you really “need” (need being relative). Automotive Repair can be one of those purchases that is difficult to determine what is really basic or necessary. There are so many confusing messages out there when it comes to Auto Repair and what is basic or common or needed and what is “fluff” or “up-sale” or “dishonest”. If you are like me, not a mechanic and dependent on what your mechanic or shop tells you, then this question is even more difficult to answer. I think a lot of it depends on trust and mutual respect. There is a balance between the shop owner/manager and customer that has to be present. This balance comes from the realization that you both need each other. You as the customer, more often than not, are not going to fix your own vehicle. The shop owner/manager needs you and your business to keep him IN business. I realize th ... read more


Auto Maintenance

Auto Repair and Cleanliness seem to be an oxymoron…

Why is it that these two subjects, Auto Repair and Cleanliness, seem to contradict one another? Not to mention, the fact that you are up against two opinions in regards to the subject. The first is that if an auto repair shop is clean then they don’t repair autos well. The second is that if they aren’t clean then they are disorganized and don’t care about your vehicle. Now granted there are many variations on these two opinions but the fact is how do you rectify them? We think that cleanliness is always better. It makes a better statement about the work that the auto repair shop does. It states that they pay attention to detail and are concerned with the customer’s needs and perceptions. Besides who wants to go in and drop off their car and come out with grease on their hands or shirt. If you don’t want to fix your own car that’s why you bring it in. In addition, cleanliness can mean better organization which translates to you, as a customer, to lower prices. If tech and ... read more


Auto Maintenance

October is National Car Care Month

The very title sounds like a sales pitch but I guarantee that it is a real thing. It is sponsored by the National Car Care Council. An organization that’s motto reads, “Be Car Care Aware”. Their idea is simple the better care you take of your vehicle the less money it will cost you in the long run. “Be Car Care Aware” is a consumer education campaign about the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair. Car Care Month is conducted by individual shops around the country in an effort to help people to take better care of their vehicle and therefore better care of their pocket book and the environment. B&C Auto Center provides quality car repair and maintenance in San Jose. We are participating in Car Care Month starting today. We want to protect our customers’ second largest investment by providing the proper care and maintenance of their vehicle. Regular maintenace checks and minimal service checkups can greatly reduce the cost of car ownership. Visit us, y ... read more


Auto Maintenance

Tire rotation – when and why?

If you are like a lot of people in the world you may not even know that your tires on your vehicle need to be rotated, let alone why. Well, we are here today to tell you that yes they do need to be rotated on a regular basis and we can tell you why. Lets face it without tires on your vehicle you wouldn’t get very far! Even without just one tire on a four tire vehicle you wouldn’t travel very much distance. Tires are the legs of the vehicle, it is recommended that they be rotated every 3,000 to 5,000 miles depending on miles covered and type of driving. Tire rotation can be done at the same time as your oil change or maybe every other oil change this will help you remember. Tire rotation helps with evening out tire wear by allowing each tire to serve in as many of the vehicle’s wheel positions as possible. Tire wear on a vehicle typically equipped with four tires show up the most on the front tires. The tasks encountered on a front-wheel drive vehicle are much different tha ... read more


Auto Maintenance

Winterize your vehicle….

Most of you might say, “Why would an auto repair shop in San Jose, CA write about winterization? They don’t even know what winter is?” Well, there is some truth to that, however we Californian’s like our vehicles and tend to travel in them, especially to the snow. (we have to visit, because it is not readily available) Anyway there are some things you should check no matter where you live to make sure your vehicle is ready for climate changes. 1. Check your fluids – this means, oil, anti-freeze; Oil needs to be the right viscosity, or thickness for this time of year. Oil will often thicken the colder it gets which keeps it from properly lubricating. In regards to anti-freeze or coolant every vehicle requires a certain mixture of coolant tot water. Your owner’s manuel will tell you. If either fluid needs changing or exchanging your best bet is to bring it to a local shop, they can take care of it quickly and have the systems set in place to dispose of the waste ... read more


Auto Maintenance